The older I get the less sweet stuff I seem to be able to consume in one sitting... heartbreaking I know! However! This cheesecake is the exception. I think I could demolish half of this before I start to flag! My husband who usually turns down most desserts happily chomps through this with me and asks for it every year on this birthday so I would say this is something worthwhile making.
Did I mention that it's so easy to make? The most difficult part is leaving it in the fridge overnight to set! Although I feel obliged to share my secret... when crushing the biscuits I always leave one whole and top it with the last bit of the filling so I get a little mini cheesecake all to myself!

You can use frozen raspberries in this recipe no problem however I do find they bleed a little which isn't really a problem and looks really pretty however you don't get whole raspberries like you would if you used fresh. See the picture below for the frozen raspberry marbling) Any size cake tin will be fine for this (however no less than 7inches) the bigger the tin the less biscuit/cheese ratio.
