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Weekly Menus 2!

27/01/25 - I am so excited for the bruschetta pizza this week!

20/01/25 - Another lovely week of comforting food!

You can find my sausage cassoulet recipe here!

13/01/25 - The weather is still pretty cold outside so it’s a week of lovely, cosy, comforting recipes!

06/01/25 - Oh my goodness you guys I do apologise for my absence! I completely fell out of routine it seems but I am back with the weekly menus!!

11/11/24- It’s just Sofia and I for dinner every evening this week due to my husband’s working hours so nothing toooo fancy on the menu! I’m recipe testing the gnocchi dish, it’s my second attempt!!

04/11/24 - okay I’m sorry I do promise to be more consistent with this however my lack of posting usually means my family and I are on holiday or too busy being spontaneous to stick to a weekly menu 😅

I will also add that this way for life I find incredibly difficult to plan what to feed them and we end up spending so much money so I am so glad to be back on the weekly menu train!

Without further ado…

07/10/24 - Hello again! Sorry for last weeks absence once again 🙈

I’m back this week with a whole plethora of comfort food which I’m really excited about!

The weather is meant to be rotten this week along with temperatures dipping to 3°c on Friday so it will definitely be perfect weather for soup!

23/09/24 - Hi guys, sorry I missed a week! (Don’t worry, we still ate 😅) I’m back with alllll the cosy foods this week! I’ve already made the minestrone soup and have been popping my spoon into the pot on the stove all day!

09/09/24 - I woke up this morning and it was so cold and it reeeeallyy felt like autumn has began to show it’s familiar cosyness and I feel like it’s reflected in this weeks menu 😍

02/09/24- I’m back!!! I took an unintentional break over the summer as it’s just so hard to plan when everyone is home and routine goes out the window! I’ve also been suffering with horrid morning sickness (yes I’m pregnant 🥹❤️) and my poor family have been fending for themselves. Finally my sickness isn’t so intense and I can face cooking a little bit now so I’ve given myself a very easy week! I’m particularly excited for Friday haha!

22/07/24 - Hello again everyone 🥰

It’s just Sofia and I eating together at dinner this week so we’ve gone for easy & fast recipes which we will both enjoy!

The tagliatelle recipe is a Dairy Diary recipe and the salmon is a Mob Kitchen Recipe!

15/07/24 - Happy new week everyone 💗

Feeling pretty good about this week’s menu, especially the crispy pork as we haven’t had it in ages!

08/07/24 - Well hello and welcome to a new week everyone 🌟

Monday - Thursday this week its just Sofia and I eating together which is kinda nice and I’m really looking forward to the Sunshine Soup and I LOVE frying chicken!

The soup is actually a Nigella Lawson recipe linked here!

01/07/24 -First of July, can you believe it 😍 where is this year going?!

Back to familiar recipes this week and I’m particularly looking forward to making my favourite pesto pasta!

24/06/24 - Hello everyone!! I hope you are all enjoying this heatwave here in the UK 🌞

Something a bit different this week, our family all sat down over the weekend, raided my cook books and foodnew recipes we would all like to try!

Watch this space as there is a blog post to follow…

18/06/24 - Hello everyone!! The sun has got its hat on this week and I’m so happy for it! It’s so nice to feel the warm sun on my back!

It’s quite an easy week for me as it’s just Sofia and I on Monday and on Friday we are out to a local restaurant with some visiting family which I’m really looking forward to!

The most strenuous item on my menu this week is my homemade pasties and you can find the recipe here!

10/06/24 - Hello again everyone, I hope you are well 🥰 It’s terribly British to talk about the weather I know however it’s not great here in the UK! Lots of rain and it’s still really cold! I feel like this weeks menu is a mixture of all the seasons haha!

03/06/24 - how on earth is it June already?! Honestly in my head right now all I can think is how excited I

am that it’s halfway to Christmas 😂❤️ I digress…

So here is this weeks menu! My husband and I are meeting so excited friends at a local restaurant on Thursday for a Latina night and I’m really excited to see what food we will be served!

If you like the sound of the cheeseburger salad, I’ll leave the recipe here!!

And here is last weeks ‘a week in my kitchen

27/05/24 - Hello you lovely bunch of people!

Thank you for tuning in again to see what I’ll be cooking my family this week ☺️

I’m typing this on Monday evening with an incredibly full tummy after enjoying the Beef Short Rib! My husband smoked it and I did the risotto and we both nailed it! I’ll be filming ‘a week in my kitchen’ for YouTube so stay tuned to see the result!

Well hello everyone!! Weekly menus are officially back on a brand new page!

I think there were so many on my last one that it couldn’t possibly load any more data haha! It still exists and if you want to see all my old menus, click here!!

And without further ado, I present this week’s menu!!


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