25/03/24 - Well hello once again ❤️ We didn’t end up having the fajitas last week so they got moved to Monday so that was once less meal to think about this week 😁 I was so excited to see that we now have asparagus in season so I’m really looking forward to using that this week in a yummy risotto 😋

18/03/24 - Hello everyone 🥰 It's mainly just my daughter and I eating together this week so I had to do us a yummy quiche (recipe for that here!) and with my husband being a huge carnivore, we are going to take this opportunity to enjoy a yummy veggie curry! I hope you all have a lovely week xx

11/03/24 - I've got quite an easy week this week, using lots of leftovers and I've bought cheat bags for the Caesar salad too! The only thing I'm really making is the pasties which I'm reaaaaally looking forward to 😍

04/03/24 - Oh my goodness I can't believe it's March already! February absolutely flew by! I'm afraid it's not a super exciting week this week however I have been invited to our new Franca Manca restaurant for a PR evening and I'm so excited!!

26/02/24 - Helloooo everyone! I'm really excited for tonight's dinner, we had roast lamb yesterday and it's always delicious fried all crispy the next day!

19/02/24 - Hello everyone 🥰 We had half term last week plus Pancake Day, Valentines AND my husband's birthday so we didn't have a weekly menu and we played it by ear! Back in business this week and you can find my pesto recipe here, Dahl recipe here and my flatbread recipe here!

05/02/24 - Hello Everyone 🥰 finally January is over and the days are getting ever so slightly longer...
I'm still diving headfirst into making all the warm comforting dishes and this week is no exception!
p.s - if you love hummus and you haven't dipped your pizza crusts in then you're missing out! xx

29/01/24 - Hello everyone ❤️ some weeks I get extra excited for the food we are eating and this is one of those weeks 😍 I have actually done a vlog of this whole foodie week on my YouTube which you can watch here!

22-01-24 - Hello everyone! A nice easy week for me! You can find the quiche recipe here and the ramen recipe here!

15-01-24 - Well hello everyone! I'm roasting a chicken on Sunday and it shows 😅 Waste not want. And of course I'll be making a stock from the carcass!
It's supposed to be incredibly cold next week so I'm looking forward to all the cosy food (excluding the salad 🥗 😁)

08-01-24 Hello everyone!!! Happy New Year!! Feels so good to be back and getting into routine again and with that, I present you this weeks menu! On Friday Sofia, is having a sleepover here and this is what the girls requested for their dinner and I aim to please 😅

18-12-23 - Hello everyone! I think this will be my last weekly menu till the new year! See you all soon, Merry Christmas 🎄❤️ xx

11/12/23 - Hello Everyone!! It’s so close to Christmas now! I’m so excited! ✨ I’m so busy at the moment I feel that our dinners are becoming a little lazy but we are fully enjoying all the Christmas festivities! Click here for my Beer Bread Recipe & have a lovely week everyone! x

04/12/23 - Hello everyone!! I’m afraid this week won’t be giving you much foodie inspiration 😂😂 I’m due a delivery of some fish on Tuesday so until that arrives I’m not sure what will be cooking and on my birthday, Sofia has a party that afternoon/evening so I’m not sure when or what I’ll be able to eat 🙃😅

27/11/23 - Credit to Sofia for this week’s menu, she chose everything!! I think she’s done a grand job and I’m really looking forward to the risotto!

20/11/23 - I really love this weeks menu, I’m looking forward to every single meal which is really exciting (for me anyway 😅) and nothing is too strenuous either so I have a nice, easy week with hopefully not too many dishes to wash 😁

13/11/23 - I can’t believe I have no idea what we are having for dinner tonight 😂 it’s just Sofia and I so maybe we will raid the freezers or perhaps head to McDonald’s 😋

06/11/23 - I can't believe it's November already 😍 It will be Christmas before we know it! 🎄
My husband is still obsessed with the Mob cook book and we are both obsessed with butterbean mash now 😍 however I am trying to sneak in some cosy foods to our week!

30/10/23 - Hello again everyone! Apologises for no menu last week, it was half term and our week was hectic and we spent 4/7 days away with family!
It’s back to business this week. My husband picked up a new cook book (Mob 6) and it’s been the inspiration for our food this week! It’s a bunch of really fresh recipes which only require 6 ingredients ☺️ I’ll report back with all the best recipes in the book!


09/10/23 - I won’t mention the weather… (WHY IS IT SO HOT?!) I will just mention how much I’m really looking forward to the Lasagne! My brother in law will be joining us for it so that will be nice ☺️ It’s just Sofia and I eating on Thursday so hopefully there be some leftovers for us but if not, McDonald’s are doing squishmallow toys so we will head there to see what we can get!! 😍

02/10/23 - My first October weekly menu! We really are officially entering cosy season now!! If the weather could take notice that would be great… it’s supposed to be 24c this time next week cries in seasonal depression 😂

25/09/23 - Well hello again everyone 🥰🥰 I’m really excited for this weeks food especially the pasties as I’m really craving them!! I’ll link my recipe here if you want to make them too!
On another exciting note, I have started a YouTube channel! I posted my first video yesterday and was overwhelmed with the feedback 🥲 so I’ll be posting a lot more on there from now on! If cosy day in the life videos are your thing, please do go over and subscribe and I will be eternally grateful 😇

18/09/23 - Hello everyone! I feel like a broken record every week as all I want to do is discuss the weather 😅 however it does heavily influence our food choices!!
I’ve gone for a lovely scotch broth for Monday as we always have bits and bobs left over from out Sunday roast so this is perfect to use them up and I'll bulk it out with our favourite homemade beer bread!
It’s just Sofia and I on Tuesday has chosen meat patties for our dinner so her wish is my command! The boys are away watching the football so I’ll make extra for them to take in the car with them.
And I’m Friday we have family down! I feel like a cop out getting a takeaway and that I should cook a nice meal for everyone however my auntie is an incredible cook and I feel nervous 😂 I’m tempted with making Beef Stew with Cheesey Marmite Dumplings… we shall see..!

11/09/23 - Hello everyone and goodbye to our heatwave! It was nice to have a small ‘summer’ but let’s face it, it was too hot 😂
Other than the roast dinner on Monday (making up for not having one on Sunday) I’ve definitely got myself a relatively easy week! Cheers to that! 🥂

04/09/23 - oh my goodness I cannot believe it is September already! Not only that, we have a heatwave! It’s too hot so this week is going to be a lot of salads! Enjoy the sun everyone 🌞 and for y’all who hate it (me 🙋🏻♀️) I hope we can all just about survive it 😅 xxx

28/08/23 - Hello again everyone ☺️ it's the last full week of the summer holidays which has flown by and dragged in equal measure! I'm aiming to make this week as fun as possible for Sofia so the menu may go off piste a little to what we have here but it hats part of the fun 😁

21/08/23 - Hello everyone!! I let Sofia pick what we are eating this week and I think she’s made some grand choices 😁 Crispy Duck and pancakes was a bit more spendy than I would like but I love her and I really love crispy duck so ate hot lucky! I was delighted to see they had whole ducks on offer in the supermarket too 😅

14/08/23 - Hellooo everyone! Another week of miserable weather by the looks of things 😅 it's crazy how awful this summer has been! I know you've been asking for my bacon and tomato risotto recipe and I'm just going to try it with slightly different bacon this week to see if I can improve on it however my Lentil Dahl recipe is great and I highly recommend you give that a go along with Homemade Flatbreads!

07/08/23 - I can't believe it's August! If I'm honest, I feel like I just need to survive this month and then I can start nesting and getting ready for the cosy seasons!
Our food this week is a little different due to my husband's shift pattern so our main family meal will be a big brunch or late lunch!

31/07/23 - Sadly it's been another week of terrible weather here! We are away on Wednesday to watch the cricket but I have a feeling it's going to be rained off ☔️
I'm all about the comfort food this week, perfect for this continuous rainy weather...

24/07/23 - it's the summer holidays! 🌞 Not much sun here so far, hoping for a vast improvement soon 😁 have a lovely week everyone!

17/07/23 - Helloooo and sorry for a week's absence. My mum visited from Malta so I had a week of impulsiveness and it was nice! Glad to be back in a routine now so here I present this weeks menu!

03/07/23 - Hello everyone! Not just a new week but a whole new month! I can't believe how fast this year is flying by!
I am so excited for the food this week, predominantly due to our trip to a local restaurant whose menu looks absolutely terrific! I'm a little bit stressed as I want the whole menu so I might have to choose a few small dishes 😋

26/06/23 - Hello everyone! I have a massive craving for Asian food this week and I could easily eat it every day but I think my family would definitely complain 😅 so I've limited it to just 2 days and I hope our Friday night takeaway might be a nice Chinese or something similar!
Have a lovely week everyone! xx

19/06/23 - Last week was a scorcher 🥵 and I'm so glad the weather is a little more kind this week! That being said, I will be preparing light dinners this week and the curry will be done in the slow cooker as I don't fancy sweating over the stove!

12/06/23 - 🎵 Feeling hot, hot, hot 🎶 ... This is all I will have in my head this week 😅
My menu is definitely a reflection of this hot weather! I would make salads but ultimately we will all be starving an hour later so I've tried to keep the food as filling as possible!
You can find my pizza pocket recipe here!

05/06/23 - After a brief week off which consisted of a LOT of eating out and takeaways it feels so good to be back into a routine again!
I'm roasting a joint of pork today to make up for the lack of roast dinner yesterday although it's bloody boiling and having the oven on is really heating up my kitchen 😅
My recipe for sausage ragu can be found here!

22/05/23 - Well hello everyone! I'm not sure if spring ever arrived however summer certain,y has, it is hot! I'm not sure that I've fully made the transition into warm weather menus yet but I'm getting there.
Full credit to Sofia for this weeks food choices as she pretty much chose them all!

15/05/23 - Hello again! I totally forgot to defrost the chicken kievs (or Kevin's as we call them) last week so we have them again tonight!
I'm super excited for the cheeseburger salad, I've been watching a lot of American food shows and I've seen similar things done so I'm looking forward to putting my own twist on it!
And if you haven't tried it yet, my sticky pork fried rice is delicious!
Have a lovely week everyone!

08/05/23 - Hello everyone!! This weeks menu is exclusively chosen by my husband and I'm pretty happy with it! Less meaty than I would have anticipated plus the fish curry and spag bol will be cooked by him so I get 2 nights off, yay 😁

01/05/23 - Hellooo everyone! Does anyone else love it when the first of the month is a Monday or is that just me?
My husband is away at the moment so Sofia and I are going to enjoy tuna while he's not around as he really isn't a fan 😅
Have a lovely week everyone!

24/04/23 - Hello everyone! We didn't have a roast dinner yesterday so to make up for it in cooking a bit of brisket for our dinner tonight and the smells currently coming from my oven are sooooo good! I had to have an early lunch as it was making my tummy rumble 😂
I'm really looking forward to the leftovers tomorrow in some tacos with the zingy salsa cutting through the rich meat... mmmmm 😋
Have a lovely week everyone!

17/04/23 - Hello everyone!!
I'm having a bit of a lazy week in the kitchen, Sofia isn't back to school till tomorrow and I have quite a busy week so quick and easy is a top priority. Friday however I'm taking the day to make a yummy pork stew!
You can find the recipe for my flat breads here, my veggie curry recipe here and my pesto recipe here!

10/04/23 - Happy Easter Everyone!
So excited for the leftover crispy lamb rice! The key to good fried rice is cold precooked rice so hopefully I would have remembered to make this in the morning!
To be honest, I'm really excited for all the food this week! However, on Friday there will be no chicken in my noodle soup but I will be enjoying the lovely stock I'll make with the carcas 😂 I'm very aware how hypocritical that is!
Have a lovely week everyone! Xx

03/04/23 - Oh my goodness can you believe it's April already?! The April showers have been more like monsoons but the weather man assures us that there is sun on the horizon! Until then I'm still going to prepare comfort food to keep us content...

27/03/23 - Happy Monday everyone! I'm loving this weeks menu as none of the dishes are our regular choices so it's an exciting week!
I've actually never made a chowder before but we had the most delicious one ever at this restaurant in Celebration in America and I've been really craving it so I'm hoping to recreate it for us all ☺️
The pork burgers are a Jamie Oliver recipe and the vegetable curry recipe is mine and can be found here

20/03/23 - Hello once again ☺️ I'm pleased to report that I have had a surge of inspiration and im quite excited with this weeks menu!
As most of you who follow me on instagram will know, I try to spend one day a week with my darling Nanny and this gives my family the opportunity to eat some chicken while I'm not there hence the vague chicken & chorizo 😅 (for those who don't know, I don't want to eat chicken and it's a really simple decision for me! The same as I won't eat any meat that's poor quality, I'd just rather not!)

13/03/23 - Hello everyone and a big hello to my dad who says my menus have been boring recently 😂 He's not wrong though, I've been feeling a little unmotivated and wanting a shift in the weather which is odd as I live for comfort food!
Hopefully you'll all disagree and find this weeks menu tasty and inspirational as I'm really looking forward to all of it, especially the homity pie!

06/03/23 - Hellooo everyone! I've got such a busy start of the week and I'm really stressed out about it 😅 Our date night on Friday is going to be well deserved I think! We are going to our favourite restaurant (Salumi in Plymouth) and I really can't wait! Anyone else agonise over the menu before arriving to save them the stress of deciding on arrival?
I think our freezer meal will either be last weeks shepards pie or possibly some braised lamb that's been in there a while! I'm constantly grateful for batch cooking and freezer meals as this week it's saving me a bit of money and a lot of time!
No real recipes to add this week except for beer bread which is soooo easy, I highly recommend this is you've never made bread before! Minimum effort and maximum taste 😋
You can find the recipe here!
P.S - I'm not a fan of beer and the bread doesn't taste of it, it just acts as a raising agent!

27/02/23- Another week, another menu and other then the carbonara it's a very British week!
I'm working hard on creating the perfect pasty and I really hope I manage to perfect them this week as I've had a lot of requests for the recipe 😅
In the meantime, you can find my mint sauce recipe here which perfectly compliments the shepards pie and the Yorkshire pudding recipe here which will be for the toad in the hole!

20/02/23- Hello again everyone! Back to normality this week although my husband is working 3 different shifts this week which always makes meal planning tricky, even more so as I really like us all to try and have at least 1 sit down meal together each day but we've made it work!
I photographed the soup today ready to type up the recipe which you can find here!
And the veggie sauce recipe can be found here!

13/02/23 - Hello everyone!! Its half term here this week along with my husband's birthday annnnd Valentine's Day! So pub lunch for today for his birthday and of course steaks for Valentine's Day ❤️
My fish pie recipe can be found here

06/02/23 - I can't believe it's February already! All of a sudden I feel like the year is flying by!
So here's this weeks menu, the halloumi burgers I actually stole the idea from a restaurant I went to years ago (it was a Mexican chain, I forget which one) and they are absolutely delicious!
The pork fried rice recipe can be found here!

30/01/23 - Hellooo again! ☺️ It's been a happy coincidence this week that everything begins with the letter P!! With I guess the exception of Friday which is my Dad's birthday and he has requested a buffet of homemade goodies which I am more than happy to provide! I'm hoping to make the most perfect runny scotch egg...wish me luck!

23/01/23 - Hello everyone!
I feel like I say this a lot but I'm really happy with this weeks menu 😁 Although, I'll let you into a little secret... I don't actually eat chicken! I just really don't want to and it's as simple as that. However my family love it so I'll roast a chicken and they can enjoy that and I'll happily please myself!

16/01/23 - Happy new week and happy new menu! I'm particularly happy with this weeks choices! We never ate the mussels last week, I'm not sure why, so it's shuffled it's way over to this weeks menu instead!
The minestrone recipe can be found here on my website. As for the bread, I'm still working in the recipe...

09/01/23 - Hello everyone! It's been a while! Illness in our home has been relentless and we had all lost our appetites 😔 Fortunately we are starting to feel like our normal selves again so I'm back to weekly menu planning again and it feels so good!
The chilli recipe can be found here on my website!

05/12/22 - Wowee it's December already!! We had our first frost last week and this week is set to be pretty chilly too! I'm not complaining though, I love this weather and it just so happens to be my birthday this week so thank you Mother Nature 😍

28/11/22 - Hello everyone!! Another busy week (as always) hence the fish finger sandwiches although I am planning a lot of cooking (mainly desserts) this week so I can get lots of new festive recipes uploaded so the family will be well fed this week!

21/11/22 - Hello everyone!! The weather has been relentless and it's set to continue so I'm preparing a week of cosy bowl food! I actually got a lot of inspiration from my own website this week (as you do) so I'll link all my recipes here if you fancy trying them too!!

14/11/22 - So this week is rather a difficult week to meal plan! I am super busy with appointments and such and my husband is working a 12hr night shift for the beginning of the week making it so tricky to plan as we won't be sat down at the table together all week. Today Sofia's got a friend around after school so an easy chicken nuggets and chips is on the menu and on Friday my husband will be home early evening so I'll make us a special supper to enjoy I just have to decide what that special meal will be!

07/11/22 - Hello everyone, I am back! A few weeks away have meant its been difficult to really put together a weekly menu but now I am back with alllll the cosy foods!! If you follow me on Instagram you'll notice I've started my weekly food shop videos again so please do check it out if you like being nosy as much as I do! My Instagram is lovefromnatalie

17/10/22 - Some really exciting food this week, my husband had a huge input as I have a cold and was completely lacking in inspiration! We are going on holiday next week so there won't be a menu next week I'm afraid but I'll be diving head first into all the cosy comfort food when I get home!!

10/10/22 - Comfort food all round this week! My husband is out on Wednesday so Sofia and I will raid the freezer for our dinner which I'm really looking forward to so I can free up some space/tupperware! It's also going to be our first stew of the season, I cannot wait to enjoy some fluffy dumplings...drool!

03/10/22 - Its October, yay!! Still really warm out though! I'm conflicted because I want it to be cold so I can get all cosy and cook hearty meals however with each day that does by where I don't have to turn on the heating is an absolute blessing! My husband is on backshift this week so we will be eating all our main meals as a late lunch this week and having a little supper in the evening when tummies rumble again!

26/09/22 - Another week another menu! I feel like I've gone rather fancy this week but I find this kind of food doesn't actually fill us up because we are quite big eaters! However I have decided that we won't go hungry and I'll cook some yummy desserts to make up for our lighter dinners! I'll link my homemade mint sauce recipe below because it's so easy and delicious!

20/09/22 - Hello everyone! A day late this week due to her Majesty's funeral. So today I hit the shops and managed to get everything I needed plus a few yummy extras to stuff in the freezer for a rainy day! (lots of yellow stickers due to the shops being shut yesterday and I made the most of it!)

12/09/22 - Hello everyone! We didn't have a roast dinner yesterday so I've started the week with a yummy roast! I'm working on a yummy stuffing recipe so this was a good opportunity to practise it! And I had some homemade Yorkshire puds in the freezer so it actually was quite an easy dinner! I will be using the carcass to make chicken stock which is one of my most favourite things to do in the kitchen. Also I am super excited to go to a new sushi restaurant on Friday! It's date night for my husband and I which makes it even more exciting! Have a lovely week everyone ♥

05/09/22 - I'm just going to throw it out there and say that I am so excited for this week's food. The whole menu excites me more than usual!! Back to school for my little one today so that's giving me more time in the kitchen and to myself so I can hopefully get round to posting all the recipes you guys have been asking for!

29/08/22 - Another warm week here meaning I still can't fully dive into all the warm comfort food that I love but the mornings and evenings are starting to feel a little bit chilly and it's a sure sign that autumn will be here soon. My husband started to chop some logs today in preparation and I am roasting/batch cooking/preserving where possible to prepare for the most wonderful time of the year!
I have lots of veg to use up and I've recently made some chicken stock so a minestrone soup is a must this week and my little girl requested jacket potatoes, we will definitely all end up with different toppings, my husband will have homemade curry, I'll have tuna mayo and Sofia will probably have cheese and Beans!

22/08/22 - I often get asked how I am so organised with my food shopping and it's quite simply because I do it online! I book my slot, put something over £40 in my basket (usually champagne) so I can secure the slot and check out and then I have a whole week to think, plan and add to my online basket. This week however I had a decent voucher but I could only use it in store... never again! For me it was chaos and I felt so unorganised! Online shopping is definitely the way I prefer!

15/08/22 - I know it's terribly British to talk about the weather but lately it's been all that anyone can talk about! The weather does seem to look cooler this week so I shall hopefully be able to cook all the dishes that didn't end up making the cut the last few weeks! I really want the lamb hot pot so I'm definitely cooking it this week come rain or shine!

08/08/2022 - Another week, another heatwave. Not my favourite weather as I'm sure you all know but I shall persevere through the week as best as I can! I'm thinking Friday might end up being substituted to Prawn Marie Rose Baguettes as it's meant to hit 30c and I don't fancy sweating over a fish pie in that heat haha.

01/08/2022 - So when planning this week's food shop and menu I looked at the weather for the coming week and it looked miserable so I excitedly planned lots of cosy meals. Now however it looks like it's going to be hot and sunny but as I've bought all the ingredients I'm going to proceed with what we have planned!
I'll link any recipes that I have uploaded for this week underneath the menu!

Share, Suggest, and Save – MCDVoice Rewards Your Feedback.Weekly menu planning is not just about organizing meals but creating delightful dining experiences. From experimenting with seasonal ingredients to enjoying leftovers creatively, planning ahead ensures satisfaction at every meal. It's a mindful, practical way to blend delicious flavors with time efficiency!