This recipe I have been meaning to upload since last year but I made so much of this 2 years ago that I didn’t need to make any this year!
Now I see myself as a bit of a frugal queen and this is my favourite ‘no waste’ recipe! Throughout the year, I save all the odds and ends of the berries we eat throughout the year and freeze them all ready to make a huge batch of Jumbleberry Jam! For example, you buy a punnet of strawberries, you've got 2 or 3 left that are going a bit off, freeze them! In our home especially, it's surprising how much we can accumulate over the course of a few months!
So, this recipe works no matter how many berries you manage to save throughout the year so I won't include my usual ingredients card that I usually do as you just need the same amount of jam sugar as you do fruit. For example; you have 1265g of frozen fruit, you need that amount of jam sugar! Plus, half a lemon juice for every 1kg. Simple as that!
