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Baby Quen

Most of you are here because you follow me on instagram (or so my traffic data for the website tells me!) so I imagine you are all very familiar with my (not so) baby girl, Sofia.

Most of you will have also probably noticed that she has special needs. Now I would love to tell you what is 'wrong' with her but we really don't know and the older she gets the less I begin to actually care. We have scans showing her brain is shrinking and that's about all the solid information that we have. I don't mind sharing this too much as it's nothing we are ashamed of and it's only natural to want to know what's 'wrong' with someone when you feel invested in their life. I remember so clearly answering the phone while sitting at my desk at work and honestly not expecting to hear that they think Sofia will never walk or talk... words no one ever wants to hear. Then about a year later we had an awful appointment where her lifespan and quality of life was discussed... once again, really bloody awful. Barely recovered from that and I get emotional even typing this!

Sofia however has proven them all wrong and she chats away (constantly) and very recently is choosing to forgo her wheelchair and has a new found confidence with her little walker. She can't walk far right now and is a little unsteady but I have a feeling that over the coming years she will continue to grow in strength and confidence.

Her being able to walk a little has all of a sudden opened some HUGE doors in our lives in terms of accessibility. It's something that I have never considered before and my heart goes out to all the wheelchair users who face these kinds of difficulties on a daily basis.

Recently we have taken a trip to the beach which used to be a huge ballache before and more recently a trip to the woods near our home where Sofia was able to do some walking and it was really, really lovely.


That's all for now xxx

P.S - Baby Quen is what I've called her since she was born plus a thousand different variations of it such as:

  • My Quenny girl

  • Quenberly

  • Quenberlicious

  • Quenberliciousbabyness

  • Quenhead

  • Quennybum

I could go on...😂


May 15, 2023

Sophia is an amazing little girl ,with so much determination. She has most certainly stolen my heart ❤️. Sophia is adorable and Natalie ,your an amazing Love you both .xxx❤️💝💞❤️

Natalie Bridgeman
Natalie Bridgeman
May 22, 2023
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Thank you so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰


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