Normally I’m not a ‘new year, new me’ kinda gal. I’ve always thought of September as being my reset button however I am acutely aware that very soon our lives are going to change so much so maybe it is a good time to start to think of some things I might like to improve on in the new year.

One thing that definitely won't be changing is our tradition of having pastries for breakfast to see in the new year howeeeevvverrr, I really want to concentrate more on making our food from scratch (my husband is making a butter chicken curry completely from scratch as we speak) so maybe next year will spend New Year's Eve prepping the pastries the night before... watch this space!

As I mentioned in my previous Christmas blog (you can read that here!) My husband bought me a pasta making attachment for my Kitchenaid so I started the year as I intended to go on by making some pasta from scratch! I set my heart on making some ravioli so I set to work by finding a basic pasta recipe online and honestly it was a ball ache.
I am not one to discredit or slate other people's blogs/websites but oh my goodness I really don’t want your life story or a million adverts pop up as I’m trying to view your recipe!
I decided there and then that I would continue to upload as many recipes as possible on here and make my website an enjoyable place to browse. Meaning not too much yabber before a recipe and most importantly keep it advert free (even if that means never making a penny from this!)

my improvised pasta rack
I decided to go for a butternut squash and ricotta filling served with a sage butter. Delicious. I even planned to save the seeds to roast and garnish said ravioli (another resolution, waste nothing!) but sadly I forgot because the ravioli making was quite hard work and was sadly drying out before I had a chance to fill it (which meant I had to waste some ruining one of my resolutions haha!) The recipe I followed was rubbish anyway and I ended up eyeballing it but I got there in the end and we all enjoyed an extremely delicious bowl of pasta!!

I think that's all a future of mum of 2 should be aiming for this year so I shall do my utmost to continue this along with of course my YouTube channel which was surprisingly successful last year, if you are one of the amazing people who has liked, subscribed and commented then thank you so much from the very bottom of my heart. I currently don't earn that much from making the videos but it's enough a month to cover a food shop or 2 and honestly what more could I want!? If you want to check out my channel you can click here!
Signing off now as I need to wash and boil the rice for my husband's curry because he says I make the best rice and I'm a sucker for a compliment! Love you, byeee xx
