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Hello everyone and welcome to the extension of my home!
Here you'll find all my recipes and ramblings.
Grab yourself a cuppa and enjoy!
My Lastest Posts!

Savoury Muffins!
These make a great weekend breakfast or a yummy after school treat! They keep in a tin for 5 days but I doubt they will last that long!...

Beer Bread
The easiest recipe ever! Just make sure you sift your flour as this will help the bread maintain some lightness. I often substitute some...

Mint Sauce
So easy and so yummy you wont want to buy the shop bought stuff anymore! You can substitute the honey for sugar but the honey is my not...

Savoury Cheese & Curry Biscuits
These are the most melt in the mouth biscuits! Perfect on their own, with some cheese and chutney or even very complimentary to a cup of...

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
They are a fabulous accompaniment to almost anything! Sprinkle on soups or salads or just pop in a bowl and nibble on as a treat! Kept in...

Yorkshire Puddings
A Sunday staple in our home and so easy to make that we designate the task of stirring the mixture to our little girl! This recipe makes...

If you or your family are anything like mine, you'll be going through copious amounts of the stuff every week and it can get quite...
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